Opening of the Casa Ros Agrobotiga
Casa Ros has opened an Agrobotiga where you can find various products of dried fruits of its own production, as well as other products of proximity of the province of Lleida and gourmet category.
The Agrobotigues, are defined as those points of sale, owned by farmers and / or their cooperatives, from which they make direct sales of their products without the mediation of a distributor.
These types of establishments have an important implantation in the rural environment, where they represent a considerable part of the food distribution, in line with the important presence of agricultural cooperatives. They are a very valuable form of distribution, because, in many cases, they are tied to quality and food crafts.
This Agrobotiga, is located at the entrance of the town of Agulló.
We await your visit!

Albatros, Vols Biplaça en Parapent
Atreveix-te a gaudir de la Vall d’Àger amb vols d’alçada; Parapent, Ala Delta, Acrobàtic i Ultra lleuger.
Des de Casa Ros et gestionem la reserva.

Activitats de lleure amb descompte
Amb l’estada a Casa Ros i Cal Selmo, gaudiran d’un descompte en activitats de lleure. Congost Mont-rebei, Kayak, Aqua Bus i ruta de senderisme per a tota la família, per gentilesa de MONTSEC ACTIVA i vols biplaça amb Albatros escola de vol.